How to Make an Altar for Samhain


Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest and the start of the colder half of the year. In the Wheel of the Year, Samhain is considered one of the Cross-Quarter days. While many Pagans celebrate Samhain on October 31, some Pagans choose to observe Samhain a bit later, to coincide more closely with the astronomical midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice.

Samhain is considered a transitional time where the veil between the spiritual & mundane world is at its thinnest. With this transition it’s also celebrated as the beginning of the spiritual new year for practitioners, which is also why it’s nicknamed “The Witches’ New Year.” At its core Samhain is a time to honor the dead and our ancestors. There are many cultural celebrations around the world occurring this time of year that are associated with honoring our ancestors such such as Día de Muertos in Mexico or Obon in Japan.

One of the main ways I honor this holiday is by setting up a special altar. Here are the items I like to incorporate for my Samhain altar:

  • Pictures of loved ones who have passed on

  • Harvest foods, such as pumpkins, squash, or Indian corn.

  • Candles - the colors associated with Samhain are black, white, orange, and red

  • Items from nature that you find in your area such as pine cones, acorns or dried leaves

  • Memento Mori, such as a skull or the Death Tarot Card

  • Images or statues of Deities associated with death and the afterlife.

  • An offering of a beverage for those that have passed on.

Keep in mind that these are just the items that I like to use to set up my altar. So what items feel right to you might be different and you should honor that. Paganism is about connecting with nature so if you live in a different climate you should use items that are local and seasonal to where you live. And remember with Paganism there is no rulebook, so you have the freedom to make your practice your own.

Share in the comments what items you like to put on your altar for Samhain.