5 Ways to Embrace Scorpio Season


Scorpio season runs from October 23 to November 22. The sign of Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Fixed meaning it falls in the middle of one of the 4 quadrants in the wheel of the year. So, scorpio season is midpoint between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. If you would like to learn more about the differences between cardinal, fixed, and mutable zodiac signs, you can check out this episode of my podcast where I go over zodiac correspondences in detail.

Like all water signs, Scorpio is connected with attributes surrounding emotions and relationships. Those whose sun sign is Scorpio may also be considered to be intense, mysterious, or highly sexual. Though even if you are not a Scorpio sun sign you can still embrace the various scorpionic energies at this time of year.

Here are 5 different ways you can embrace Scorpio season:

1) Embrace Transformation

Scorpio and its planet Pluto rule over the Death card in tarot. The death card represents a time where we need to embrace transformation. It is a time to evaluate stale relationships and decide if they are still worthwhile to have in our lives. If they are not, it is a good time to end them so that new opportunities can arise and grow. You can also take the concept of transformation to your physical space by eliminating objects that no longer reflect your interests or style.

2) Try Something New & Exciting

Scorpio season is a great time to get outside your comfort zone and try out one or several new experiences. This might be a good time to join a new club, create a new event, or start a new exercise class.

3) Kickstart a Meditation Routine

Scorpio season can represent a time where we experience a lot of emotional ups and downs. Starting a daily meditation routine, even if it’s just 5 minutes, can help with regulating our emotional state and bringing a scene of calm to our daily interactions.

4) Celebrate Your Sexiness

Scorpios are considered to be the most sexual of all the signs. So, don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling a little more excited at this time of year. Scorpio season can be a great time to embrace pleasure and sexuality. ;)

5) Embrace Creativity

Like all water signs, Scorpios feel an innate need to express their creativity. This scorpio season would be a great time to focus on your own creative endeavors whether that be photography, drawing, sculpture, or any of the artistic pursuits.

What are some of the ways you plan to embrace Scorpio season? Share below in the comments.