
Pagan altars come all shapes and sizes and I have several in my home. I use my fireplace mantle as an ever changing altar space that I rotate with the seasons. For Yule this year I’ve decorated my mantel with several different items that I connect with this particular season and holiday.

For me the best altars are ones that incorporate a lot of nature and don’t take much money to create. So for this year I used mostly items I already had around my apartment and items I could source from nature. I have a list below of the items I’m using for my Yule Altar but keep in mind that your altar may look very different and that you should include items that you spiritually resonate with & aspects of nature that best reflect where you live.

Yule Altar Items

Altar Cloth: This year I used an old scarf with a pine tree motif as my altar cloth.

Local Greenery: As the solstice represents the darkest time of year I like to bring in as much greenery as possible as a reminder that the earth is always fertile, even in the darkest of winters. For my altar I harvested some pine & holly branches and several pinecones.

Candles: I love adding as many candles as possible to my altars. Here for Yule, the candle light reminds us that the Solstice also represents the rebirth of the Sun.

Deity Representations: Many of the Yule traditions derive from older pagan celebrations connected to the Norse God, Odin, so I have a few statues representing him on my altar this year. There are several deities associated with Yule & the Solstice so feel free to incorporate the deities you connect with most.

Tarot Cards: I picked 2 tarot cards (The Hermit & The Sun) and 2 Oracle cards to feature on my altar this year. Each of the cards I’ve picked connect with a certain aspect of Yule tradition and lore.

You can watch my Yule Altar Video below to see the full altar all put together. Do you have a Yule Altar this year, what items are you using for your altar? Share below in the comments.