5 Low Budget Tools for Witchcraft & Paganism

If you are new to witchcraft and Paganism spending lots of time on social media could be really discouraging. It seems like there is so much “stuff” you need in order to be a Pagan or a witch. But in reality while the “stuff” can be fun, most of it is not necessary or important for developing your own spiritual practice. I personally practice a more minimalist version of paganism so I try to reduce the number of items needed and just focus on the essentials. And today, I’m going to share with you 5 low budget and free tools you can use for witchcraft and paganism.

1 - Candles
For rituals and spells you need to set the mood and create the feeling of a sacred space. Candles help by bringing in the fire element and thus help create a feeling of excitement and vibrancy for any magical act you are wanting to perform. While buying a bunch of different colored candles to correspond with your intention can be fun, it is by no means necessary. I often just use inexpensive white candles as they can be bought cheaply and can be used for any intention or magical correspondence.

2 - Music
Like with candles, music really helps set the mood for any spell or ritual you’d like to perform. Music can also be a great tool for raising energy and releasing energy into the universe. You can simply listen to a playlist or create your own music through singing or drumming.

3 - Journal
Recording your rituals, spells, and meditations is a great way to keep track of your spiritual progress and to see if you are resonating with your current path. While elaborate Grimoires and Books of Shadows can be fun, keeping a record in a simple journal or notebook is just as effective and much less expensive. If you’re confused on the difference between a Book of Shadows & Grimoire, here’s a recent video I made about this topic

4 - Nature
For me Paganism & witchcraft is largely about celebrating the Earth - and buying a bunch of junk from China isn’t a good way to do that. Instead, I choose to decorate my altar with natural items that reflect the seasons and my surroundings. By going on nature walks and collecting items I’m able to find ritual tools and altar decorations for free and as a bonus it helps me better connect with the natural environment.

5 - A Tarot Deck
While there are many different divination methods tarot decks are great because they can be used for a variety of different purposes. Of course you can use tarot for divination, though you can also use the cards to represent other things in ritual & spellwork. For example, the 4 Aces can be used to represent the elements and certain major arcana cards can represent different deities. So, you could use the Empress card to represent Venus or the Hermit card to represent Odin. This reduces the need to buy expensive statues of different deities that you may be working with.

The new discord pagan community is now live!

Here’s how it works - the discord is connected to my Patreon. So if you become one of my Patrons you’ll automatically be added to the private discord community. Once you join, you’ll see the different rooms available: we have morning-tea for casual conversation, and we have rooms designated for discussion on Paganism, Witchcraft, and divination. There will also be a new weekly discussion topic posted on the discord each Monday.

My main goals for the discord is to build a really strong community and a place where we can have lots of fun discussions about Paganism. I also want it to be a place where I can host and share free educational content for y'all. And to start us off, I added a free downloadable tarot study guide and journal, so you can check that out on the discord as well. Here’s the link where you can sign up to join my patreon and gain access to the Discord community.

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