Have you Ever Tried Playing Solitaire with Tarot Cards?

I love thinking up fun and unique ways I can use my tarot knowledge and recently the idea of using tarot imagery to play solitaire came to mind. If you’re a beginner, it will help you familiarize yourself with a tarot deck and seasoned tarot readers will probably enjoy the psychological and intuitive aspect. And for those who just like to play Solitaire, introducing a tarot deck can definitely help break any visual monotony of using only regular cards. It’s like an in-depth activity in which you get to bond with the tarot cards and train your mind - all at the same time.

Here’s some reasons you should consider trying it out.

#1 Honing Your Tarot Skills
As hinted above, it can be immensely beneficial for those who are just getting started with tarot. You’ll of course get to know all the cards, but there’s more to it. The goal of Solitaire is to arrange the cards in the ascending order in the stacks and descending order on the board. As you progress, you can change the settings from one to four suits - and the stacks correspond to each suit. So, you can practice the chronological order of the tarot cards and learn which tarot suits mirror the black and red cards of a regular deck. In no time, you’ll have the proficiency of handling the tarot cards as you would have with your standard cards.

#2 You Will Develop Your Other Skills
Tarot goes beyond the card reading. It allows for mindfulness and self-reflection - and so does other card games like solitaire. While it’s not complex or tiring, solitaire still stimulates your brain and improves your ability to analyze and strategize. Solitaire is a game that’s played solo, meaning you’ll have time to reflect on your feelings and process them. When your brain unwinds, and you’re in a light meditative state, you focus on the cards and set your worries aside. Just like with tarot, the improvement is unconscious. But soon enough, you’ll see that you can perform quicker and quicker each time. You can try Solitaire online at first and get a feel of the game if you’re not ready to get a tarot deck yet.

#3 It’s Fun
Solitaire is a very entertaining game to play, even more so when you combine it with tarot. It’s low-risk because you’re the only player, you set the pace and learn from your mistakes, and you can undo the moves to win. Plus, when playing online, you can use hints if you’re stuck. And challenging yourself to beat your record is what healthy competitiveness is all about. It’s a way to track your success and get a better sense of what you are capable of achieving.

The Solitaire: Tarot deck consists of the following cards:
The Emperor (K)
The Empress (Q)
The Fool (J)
The Devil (10)
The Hermit (9)
The Hierophant (8)
The Chariot (7)
The Sun (6)
Strength (5)
The High Priestess (4)
The Magician (3)
The Lovers (2)
Temperance (A)

Are you considering giving it a try? There’s nothing to lose. You’ll have fun, connect with your intuition on a deeper level, and rekindle your love of Solitaire, too!

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