How to Make Your Magic Unstoppable

A lot of witches are good at what they do.  Some are even elite with their skills.  But very few are totally unstoppable.

This is not to say that one needs to be unstoppable with their craft.  One can certainly practice every once in a while and still achieve success in their spells and rituals.  Witchcraft often needs to come second after work, family, etc and that's fine.  

But as this is a new year, I’ve made some goals for myself.  I desire for my Paganism and witchcraft to become a major player in my life and I will practice, practice, practice till I become unstoppable.  If your goals for this year align with mine, buckle up, because here’s what we need to do.

Be True to Your Desires

You need to have the faith and confidence to know your desires and address them fully.  I knew I wanted to start Arcane Alchemy about a year ago, but I kept waiting out of fear.  I knew I was unhappy at my corporate job but first I needed to gain the confidence to leave.  I needed to fully realize my desires and respect that they were worth my time and energy.  

When I finally left to work on this website full time I was truly filled with joy and excitement for what lies ahead.  Holding on to things that made me unhappy delayed my growth.  This year I will continue to live life on my own terms, and if something isn’t right I will not hesitate to change it.  

Push Your Limits

To find what works best for us, we will need to try different things.  Currently I’m a solitary witch who is often shy in large groups.  As such, I have little experience working magic with others.  This year I’m going to push myself out of my comfort zone to expand my network and find others to practice with.  Strive to find what you're apprehensive of within your practice, and give it a try this year.

Follow Your Intuition


Just because something is written in a spellbook doesn’t mean we need to follow it.  No one knows what works for you better than yourself.  Stay attuned to your senses and don’t be afraid to act on what feels right.

While everyone else is following routine instructions,  we’ll be considering alternatives and new ideas that could help improve our spells and rituals.  In doing so we’ll be creating our own blend of magic stepped in wisdom.

Never be Satisfied

We must learn and practice not to reach a goal, but to see how far we can push ourselves.  Fight the urge to become lazy or complacent.  There is infinite knowledge out there.  We are on a unstoppable quest to discover it and practice what we learn.

Respect Your Mind and Body

Magic is energy and energy is an extension of mind and body.  To release large amounts of energy and direct it towards our intention we need to be sound in both mind and body.  Meditation and exercise is not an afterthought, it is an active component necessary for our success.

Don’t be Afraid of Failure

Failure is just another step on the way to success.  Finding magic that works successfully for you is a process and failure will happen.  

Don’t let it discourage you.  Keep going!

Never Stop Learning

Unstoppable witches have an insatiable thirst for knowledge.  We desire to become the best at what we do and in order to do that we will never stop learning.  We will actively find ways to discover new ideas and knowledge that will propel our success.

Are you up for the challenge?  Do you have your own goals?  Post below in the comments.